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Tips for Using Longtail Keywords

| in Google,keyword research,SEO

There is a major communication issue arising between some SEO experts and the general, everyday bloggers who are seeking to better their search standings.  Industry jargon, such as ‘longtail keywords’ can be lost in translation and bloggers end up filling content full of keywords that are doing them little or no good.  So, before going into the proper use of them, it is first important to understand what they are.

A shorttail keyword are very general search terms that, while searched frequently, produce such a large number of results that an up-and-coming website is likely to get lost in the chaos.  Midtail keywords, which add a little more clarification, still produce a huge array of results.  For instance, a shorttail keyword may be ‘peach’, and a midtail keyword could be ‘Georgia peach’.  Those words show up on so many websites, it will be nearly impossible to be found.

Longtail keywords are highly specific.  For instance, ‘Georgia peaches for sale in Tampa, Florida’ provides the search engine with a lot more information and will drastically narrow the result field.

It doesn’t take a genius to choose the appropriate keywords.  It only requires that you think like your consumer.  However, if you want to be scientific about it, consider using services like Keyword Planner.  It is recommended that you check out your competition first.  Plug in the keyword that you are considering and see what comes up.  How many results are there?  Who are the top contenders?

Once you have selected your keywords, there is some skill required when it comes to working them into the website content.  The keyword should be worked into valuable content.  That is to say that you should be writing what others want to read, on a topic related to what your business does.  The longtail keyword can then be weaved into that writing, first in the compelling headline, then in a shot, succinct summary paragraph, and finally, in the body of the text.  Be sure that you are maximizing the efficiency of this content by linking back to the product or service that your company provides.  In fact, using the keyword as the link is very useful.

The key is to carefully select the longtail keywords that are going to draw an audience that wants your product or service, and then working those phrases into a library of worthwhile content on your site.





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