The Fone Stuff
The Client
The Fone Stuff,, are an ecommerce business specialising in mobile, smart and PDA phone accessories. Their aim is to have the largest range of accessories at the most competitive prices. They currently stock thousands of quality lines and are set to dominate the market.

Our Approach
Our initial steps were to conduct a thorough in-depth scan of the website using our internally developed tools, as well as analysing Google Analytics, Search Console and verifying findings using third party software. Our analysts then began working through highlighted issues.
Our findings highlighted the need for some website architecture changes. The initial tasks were extremely time consuming and although we were working on a limited budget the client was fully on-board and supported us every step of the way until recommended changes were implemented. This highlights the importance of clients and their SEO agency working as a team.
The Fone Stuff case study clearly demonstrates the power of technical SEO and the effect these techniques can have on a SEO campaign. As can be seen below the results were outstandingly good and this was an excellent first step in our SEO campaign.
The Results

Diagram shows Google Organic traffic only. Immediately after the release of technical and architectural changes traffic increases significantly. GA recorded an increase of over 455% in Google Organic traffic almost overnight.

3rd Floor, 86 - 90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE
