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Content Distribution Tips

| in Copywriting,Google,Link Building,LinkedIn,SEO

KeysNo, this isn’t an entire blog about how important it is to write high-quality, relevant content for your audience. You know this; “Content is king” is tattooed on your brain. You’ve got it. You know that audiences like how-tos, tips, top 10s, real life answers, etc. What maybe you need some help with is how to get that high-quality, relevant content to the masses. Today, anyone can be a publisher; but not every publisher can have an audience.  Content distribution is essential in creating a strong online presence for yourself and/or business. It is a means of pulling in that audience and differentiating yourself from the masses of publishers.

Here are some tips to help your content distribution efforts:


  • Optimise your content. It goes without saying, right? Well, we’ll say it again. Optimise your content. Pay attention to keywords, select them carefully, use them purposefully. You are not writing for search engines, but if they can’t find you, you’re not writing for anyone.
  • Work actively on your link building. Do a link audit, and start becoming a participative member of your niche or industry community.
  • Encourage comments, suggestions, feedback, and reviews on your sites and/or blog. Respond to readers’ questions and concerns, and use this feedback to shape content development.
  • Get your group on. LinkedIn is an excellent place to start, as is Google+, which is a tremendous tool.
  • Go beyond Technorati, though do that, too. There are other tools available to help you disseminate content beyond your normal reach. SimpleReach, ARC, StumbleUpon, Outbrain, uQast, Ebsco, and others are easy to use solutions for content distribution.  They instantly expand your network. It’s like knowing the popular kids and getting into the good parties.

Your great content can’t stay locked up at home on your blog or website. It’s got to get out and socialise. Content distribution is a must, and these tips will help get you started.



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